Tuesday, 11 December 2018

The new generation of Asus Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL Android 8.1 (3.18.79+ / 64bit)

The new generation of Asus Zenfone 3 Max ZC520TL  Android 8.1 (3.18.79+ / 64bit)

For remove see SS updater script 👆👆

* # ZenUpdate *
* # Zenfone3Max # ZC520TL *

Good news for Zenfone 3 Max (ZC520TL) users, Android 8.1 Oreo is final (not beta anymore), please check System Update. Or if you want to update manually, here I give the link;

* :: WW-15.01.1810.262 :: (MT6737T) *

Download here

* :: WW-15.10.1810.275 :: (MT6737M) *

Download here

* :: ID-15.02.1810.18 :: (MT6737T) *

Download here

* :: ID-15.11.1810.14 :: (MT6737M) *

Download here

* _ * Download according to the chipset series. Don't download it wrong ._ * 😉
So, hopefully it will be useful. 😊

* # SalamZenUser *
* # ZenFansJogja *

if the device has already been rooted and already installed twrp, do it like install a custom ROM
but remember to delete the top line section to line
ui_print ("Target: asus / ID_Phone / ASUS_X008_1: 8.1.0 (don't delete it)

do before installing firmware

wipe system, data, chace and delvick
continue to install the OREO firmware

good luck

Ooh, I forgot if the update to OREO twrp and root will disappear by itself 😅😅😅

If the device hasn't been rooted, try to install the UBL app first, follow the step by step of the UBL app until the device reboots itself

If the firmware Oreo put it on the internal outside the folder then reboot
If there is a notification update, just click, wait for the process to complete

NB. Try the latest version of Nougat if you don't update it, then there will be an update error ...


  1. Gan Untuk Rom Nya Saya MT6737M
    Pilih yang mana ya gan yang untuk di instal melalui trwp
    saya agak bingung :) terima kasih admin

  2. ini maksud nya apa ya gan?
    baris teratas ke baris
    ui_print ("Target: asus / ID_Phone / ASUS_X008_1: 8.1.0 (jangan hapus)

  3. gan, kalok sy di firmware M, sudah root dan pasang twrp bisa gak langsung flash rom oreo nya? ato hatus ke N dulu?


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