Friday 12 October 2018


Assallam mu'alaikum wr wb
Ok bro this time I tried to share the experience of the neighbor guide cross ported rom ... Of the many guide cross ports from the same chipset, different etc. The point is that all the guides are the same ... That is the most important file in the system ... Well this time I gave a guide for crossing the initial port specifically for the Android 7.0 version
* Step 1 *
First look for the ROM or firmware that specks the same to make learning first ...
* Chipset (mt67xx) * * kernel * * Android version *
* Step 2 *
In the ROM port, delete and replace some base ROM files in the ROM port folder:
* System / bin / * vold (replace)
* System / etc / * bluethoot (delete and replace) wifi (delete and replace) trustzone.bin apns-conf.xml spn-conf.xml
* System / lib & lib64 / * egl (replace) hw (delete and replace) soundfx (replace) "not recommended"
* System / usr / keylayout / * generic.kl (replace) mtk-kpd.kl (replace)
* System / vendor / bin / * pq (replace)
* System / vendor / etc / * mddb (delete and replace) radvd (replace) wide-dhcpv6 (replace) slp_conf (replace) mtk_omx_core.cfg (replace) agps_profiles_conf2.xml (replace)
* System / vendor / firmware * (delete and replace)
* System / vendor / lib & lib64 / * drm (replace) egl (replace) hw (delete and replace) mediadrm (replace)
* Step 3 *
Edit and compare * build.prop * (chipset, platform and brand parts)
* Step 4 *
Unload boot.img Search for how to unpack and repack boot.img
* Replace kernel parts * zlmage-kernel
* Change the Ramdisk section * Fstab.mt67xx Init.mt67xx.rc Init.mt67xx.usb.rc Uevantd.mt67xx.rc
Until here you try first if you successfully boot and enter HS, just look for the bug where ...
Now for the simplicity, I have a flashible zip for the ROM port, so you just "delete the part" the file I gave the tutor above ...
It's easy to just flash the rom that you downloaded and then flasible flash the zip port from me and see what the results look like ... Don't forget to edit build.prop and replace boot.img which is on the ROM port, hmm ...
Ooh, this is in a flashible zip file specifically for hh * ASUS ZENFONE 3 MAX zc520tl SKU MT6737M Android 7.0 * Apart from the above hh, just replace the file "in the flashible zip according to the placement folder ...
Here the initial flashible zip port link is all the rom ...
And I also love for some files that might make the bug fix ... And this has also been packaged into flashible zip, just stay in the flash ... And remember that this is the special thing I mentioned above ...
Here is a link for additional files that have not been mentioned above
If I can't boot you try this
At first try to flash everything
If It still bootloop Try lib files one by one System / lib & lib64 The system / vendor / lib & lib64 are deleted first
Still bootloop also Try the lib file on the vendor
So I mean you make this flasible zip copy up to 3 So later the shortcomings and the bugs come to know ...
* # DWYOR # *
* Thanks to: * *Allah SWT* *Prophet Muhammad SAW* * Beloved mother, wife and child * * XDA Developer * * 4PDA Developer * * All User Zenfone series * * All Android Users * *Personal experience*
* NB * The following link I've tried between them:

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